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127. Salon Success and Social Media - with Heffy Wheeler (Heffy X)

Join Heffy X as she shares her vibrant rise to salon success, blending creativity, community, and social media mastery.

Lessons from this episode:

  1. Utilise social media to foster a sense of community and engagement with clients, which is crucial for salon business growth and building a loyal customer base.
  2. Encourage individuality within your team by supporting their personal social media accounts, which can benefit the salon's brand and provide additional opportunities for growth.
  3. Consistency in service and branding is key in a creative business like a salon, and staff training should align with this to ensure customers receive a reliable experience.
  4. Work-life balance is essential for wellbeing and allows salon owners to focus on strategic business management, such as marketing and social media strategy.
  5. Invest in your staff's happiness and productivity through a positive work environment, open communication, and collaboration, as their success contributes to the salon's achievements.

Categories: : Marketing, Team